Welcome to mylistapp.net!

FREE account! Why free???... Why not??

Designed for MOBILE devices!

CREATE your account!

UPDATE your grocery list.

ASK a friend or colleague to join.

SHARE any list with your friend.

Share Your Login with Your Family. We don't mind. Everyone in the family should have access to the Grocery List.

Note: if you want private lists you will need another login


Easily CREATE and SHARE lists!

Some of the favorite lists:

  • Grocery List
  • Shopping List
  • Todo List
  • Work Project List
  • Wish List
  • Goals List
  • Camping Supplies List
  • Project List
  • Christmas List
  • Create any custom list to help organize and prioritize what is important in your life!

Includes these features and many more:

  • Alphabetized lists.
  • Priority sorted lists.
  • Share a list with a friend or colleague.
  • Hide list items to create a Short List.
  • Smart Add - tips from previous entries.
  • Categories - categories within a list
  • Pricing - save general prices for shopping items. Calculates an estimated total for shopping lists.

Free! No Committment!

Hide items in your grocery list
* Delete items from your list while shopping

Sign-up today!

Share a list with your friends
* Share a list with your friends
** Designed for a mobile device.